Data Management Consulting
Tired of searching for paperwork? Misplaced or lost documents and files can cost you A LOT in time, money, and peace of mind!
You need confidence that your sensitive and critical documents are protected, but you also require data that is easy to connect with and accessible for the collaboration of your business accountant, employees and partners. Better document management means better decisions, based on up-to-date, accurate information.
What you want is centralized, secure, online document storage. We can help put you on the path to paperless. With a good scanner and quality software you can store, track, and manage your files to be more organized and productive.
We implement software systems and workflow solutions to ensure your data is securely stored, yet easily retrieved. We can help you to find, coordinate and utilize documents efficiently. We look for fluid file sharing and the integration of leading applications like expense management, CRM, QuickBooks® and more in a document management solution.
We can help you establish Google Drive as an application to improve document organization. It delivers a simple search tool and allows great flexibility and functionality for storing and sharing files among your personnel and with others outside your company.
Businesses operating within a cloud platform can benefit from one that is partnered with a leading application hosting provider. Intuit recommends SmartVault to attach source files to entries in QuickBooks® or QuickBooks® Online. Learn more in our Data Management Solutions. Remember to use affiliate code COMBOO when signing up.